Project Bullseye is an NZTE initiative that identifies and profiles major F&B channels in China.


Below is a 10 x 10 matrix of channels we have identified as targets for New Zealand Food and Beverage companies in China.
Click on the headings to view downloadable PDF profiles of each channel and compare hard data, click on the logos to read a profile on each group and search for key words or individual brand names to find specific outlets.

Any questions, suggestions, or corrections? Want an introduction to one of these groups? Send us a message!



The channel profiles have been compiled as a snapshot of what we know about promising channels for New Zealand food and beverage exporters in China.

The profiles contained in this document have been compiled through annual reports, publicly available information, and through interviews with industry insiders and exporters themselves – people with hard-won, grass-roots knowledge and experience of China.

The intention is not to supply Kiwi exporters with recommendations, but rather to get them thinking about the specific high value channels and target groups that have the most potential for their products and why.

The goal of this document is to get you thinking about who your targets could be and how to respond to opportunities beyond just relying on your importers/distributors.

We are not offering answers, but rather a way of thinking that will help you get them.

The profiles will always be a work in progress, with data and information changing daily. We see this as a collaborative document so if you notice a section where you think you could contribute, please contact info@tribalbrandsasia or your local NZTE contact.

The Bullseye content is commissioned by and is owned by NZTE.
1375 Huaihai Lu, Xuhui, Shanghai

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