Aeon has 54 General Merchandise Stores which are located in Guangdong (24 stores), Hong Kong (9), Beijing (7), Jiangsu (5), Shandong (5) and Hubei (4). Aeon also has 19 MaxValu supermarkets and 64 MINI STOP convenient stores in China. Aeon China had a revenue of RMB 12.6 billion in 2018.
AEON is Japan’s largest supermarket chain and has a JV in China for AEON, Jusco and MaxValu.
They maintain the Japanese culture of hospitality while also localising their offering by hiring a mix
of Japanese and Chinese management and staff. The relationship with NZ products and this chain is
young but is showing good potential. The AEON group say they are committed to expanding operations
in China and see particular opportunity with the increasing number of middle income earners. Their
regional focus in Beijing-Tianjin area, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong Provinces is based on
population increases and economic growth.
Aeon has operated nearly 400 stores in different formats in China since it began expanding in Hong Kong in 1985 and Guangzhou in 1996. The business covers a variety of areas, from the suburban Mall shopping center, the general department store, the food mart to the convenience store, and it can be conducted in a different way, to serve the local people, to provide the customers with the safety and the goods and services.