Walmart Hypermarket & Supermarket has around 400 stores located in around 180 cities in China. The store area of Walmart Hypermarket ranges from 6,000 - over 10,000 square meters, and offers over 20,000 SKUs of food, clothing, household appliances and so on. Walmart opened its first smart supermarket in China in 2018. Supermarket has a store area of about 1,200 square meters, offers over 8,000 SKUs and provides quick delivery to homes (29 minutes or longer) within 2 kms from the store. Walmart and have formed a strategic alliance to service consumers in China through combination of e-commerce and retail.
Walmart China formally launched Omega 8 in January 2019, an innovation platform that jointly develop with Chinese startups. Walmart China will cooperate with more innovation startups to explore the application of cutting-edge technology in retail industry by leveraging Omega 8 to provide technology solutions to address the pain points in retail so as to better serve customers. 15 POC have been carried out since the launch of Omega 8.